FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - Fleet Groups
SUBJECT: Fleet Groups
- To limit
tail access in a user's login, fleet groups can be created. To add a fleet group go to Settings >
Aircraft Management > Click “View” for the tail you want to create a fleet
group for:
- To create a new fleet group, select "Add New Fleet Group":
- Type new fleet group name > Click "Save":
- To apply an existing fleet group to a tail go to "Fleet Group":
- Click "Save" in the Company Aircraft Management screen to save changes:
- To apply a fleet group to a user login, go to Settings > Team Manager > Click User Management tab > Select user:
- Go to the Aircraft Profile tab > Select Fleet Group > Click "Save Changes" to apply:
- Here is the view from a user's login where the fleet group was applied (the tail access is limited):
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