FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Add an Attachment within Transactions 2.0

FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Add an Attachment within Transactions 2.0

SUBJECT: How to Add an Attachment within Transactions 2.0 
  1. Within the transaction details navigate to the 'Attachments' section then select 'Add'

  1. Select the 'Attachment Type' drop down to assign the appropriate file type given the following options: Invoiced Bill, Fuel Release, Receipt, or Other
  2. Select 'Upload' to choose the appropriate file to upload then select 'Save' 

  1. Once you have done so the file will appear within the attachments. 
  2. Select 'Parse' to allow the system to grab the data from the invoice and update the transaction based on the invoice details 
  3. Once the details have parsed, the line items from the invoice can be found by navigating to the 'Invoice Items'  > 'Fuel Line Items' or 'Service Line Items' section of the transaction details as seen below: 

  1. If there looks to be any inconsistencies between the invoice and the line items listed within the transaction, please mark the transaction for review