FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Cancel a Fuel Order within FuelerLinx Mobile 3.0
SUBJECT: How to Cancel a Fuel Order within FuelerLinx Mobile 3.0
- If any changes are made to an order post-dispatch the order will need to be canceled and re-dispatched with the updated details
- To access your dispatched trips, tap on the "More" button on the bottom right corner
- Then ensure you are in the "Fuel & Service Orders" tab on the top right of the screen
- Select the order from the grid that you would like to cancel to open the Order Summary
- Once you are in the Order Summary page, tap on the paper symbol located on the top right corner of the screen
- Within the "Cancel This Dispatch" pop up, tap on the blue "Cancel Dispatch" button and cancel the order.
- After you have cancelled the dispatch, the "Order Status" within the Order Summary will say "Cancelled"