FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Cancel a Fuel Order within FuelerLinx Mobile 3.0

FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Cancel a Fuel Order within FuelerLinx Mobile 3.0

SUBJECT: How to Cancel a Fuel Order within FuelerLinx Mobile 3.0

  1. If any changes are made to an order post-dispatch the order will need to be canceled and re-dispatched with the updated details
  2. To access your dispatched trips, tap on the "More" button on the bottom right corner
  3. Then ensure you are in the "Fuel & Service Orders" tab on the top right of the screen
  4. Select the order from the grid that you would like to cancel to open the Order Summary
  5. Once you are in the Order Summary page, tap on the paper symbol located on the top right corner of the screen
  1. Within the "Cancel This Dispatch" pop up, tap on the blue "Cancel Dispatch" button and cancel the order. 
  2. After you have cancelled the dispatch, the "Order Status" within the Order Summary will say "Cancelled"