FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Use the Invoice by Line Item Report

FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Use the Invoice by Line Item Report

SUBJECT: How to Use the Invoice by Line Item Report
  1. The Invoice by Line Item report can be found within the 'Analysis' module. This report breaks down each key detail of the invoice into an exportable report:

  1. You have the ability to save and export the report into an Excel file by selecting 'Export Report' 
  2. By selecting 'Columns' the following drop down will appear. Within the drop down you have the ability to view all applicable column topics. 
  3. The icon to the left of the column topic gives you the ability to reorganize the column order by dragging and dropping the column topic as needed 
  4. By unselecting a check box you will remove the specific column from showing within the report 

  1. By selecting 'Settings' the following filters will appear 
  2. This gives you the ability to adjust filter requirements such as date range and transaction status 
  3. By having the 'Reconciled', 'Pending', and 'Discrepancy' statuses selected within 'Transaction Status' filter this allows the data from invoices within all three statuses to show within the report. 
  4. You also have the ability to select specific airports or vendors to show within the report by selecting the 'Airport' or 'Fuel Vendor' drop down 
  5. By 'Omitting' an airport or vendor you will cause the selected to not show within the report 
  6. Once you have made the necessary adjustments select 'Apply Changes' 

  1. Within the 'Search' box you can look for a specific term within the report. For example, in the below photo 'Signature' is entered into the search box and the results show as follows