FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Utilize the Fuel Map in Mobile 3.0

FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Utilize the Fuel Map in Mobile 3.0

SUBJECT: How to Utilize the Fuel Map in Mobile 3.0

The Fuel Map module allows mobile users to locate an airport (by using the devices current location or search capabilities) in order for users to quickly review the fuel prices, services, and fees. This module also allows users to easily dispatch on the go! 

  1. Within the Fuel Map module, select the icon on the top right to adjust the Airport Filters (such as minimum runway length, fuel type desired, ect.) in order to filter the applicable airports for your search 
  2. Once you've adjusted the necessary filters, select 'Apply' 

  1. If you'd like to search for a location, select the magnifying glass to open the search capabilities 

  1. You can also view the available locations based on your current location (note: you must allow FuelerLinx access to your current location within your device settings in order to enable this feature) 
  2. Select the icon above the desired ICAO to open the details 
  3. Please visit the following user guide to view the Icon Legend

  1. Select the arrow icon beside the desired ICAO to view the available facilities 

  1. Scroll through the available Facilities and Services to select the desired FBO 
  2. Select the blue arrow to open the FBO details 

  1. Within the FBO details you can view the available fuel pricing, fees, and services
  2. If you'd like to dispatch at this location,  select the appropriate tail number and fuel price options with the available drop downs then add the ETA/ETD

  1. Scroll down to view the fees and services 
  2. Select any desired services within the 'Select Services' section 
  3. Once the appropriate selections have been made, select 'Dispatch' to complete the fuel request 

  1. The following pop up will appear to confirm the dispatch