FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Utilize the Fuel Planner

FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Utilize the Fuel Planner

SUBJECT: How to Utilize the Fuel Planner 
  1. Within the 'Fuel Planner' module select the 'Aircraft' drop down to select the appropriate tail 

  1. The 'Map Settings' can be found to the right of the screen and allow you to utilize specific features such as the Next Generation Weather Radar, 24 Hour locations, and more 
  2. Select the 'Chart Type' dropdown to adjust the current map view 

  1. Once you select a tail you will be given the ability to enter the departure and destination locations 
  2. Select the 'Profile' drop down to view all applicable performance profiles
  3. Once the details have been added red and yellow proximity circles will appear to indicate the distance the aircraft can fly before picking up fuel from the initial departure location 

  1. If you would like to add destinations to the trip select 'Add Leg' to apply additional legs
  2. Once you have completed adjusting the trip as desired select 'Get Fuel Quote'

  1. Once a fuel quote is gathered the top three locations which indicate the lowest pricing found along the route based on the current proximity settings
  2. Select the numbered icon to view the 'Location Info'
  3. Within the location details you can view all applicable price options as well as volume discounts
  4. Once you have the desired location selected, select 'Insert Leg' to add the location to the trip 

  1. Once the fuel stop location has been added to the trip select 'Setup Fuel' 
  2. You will be redirected to the 'Dashboard' to review the trip details

  1. Within the 'Dashboard' add the arrival and departure dates and times for each leg
  2. Once the trip details have been confirmed select 'Dispatch Fuel' 

  1. Utilize the 'Arrival/Departure' to set when you would like to uplift fuel 
  2. Ensure the appropriate email addresses are selected to receive the confirmation notifications 
  3. Select 'Dispatch' to place a live dispatch 

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