FuelerLinx USER Guide - How to View and Edit Transactions

FuelerLinx USER Guide - How to View and Edit Transactions

SUBJECT: How to View and Edit Transactions 
  1. Transactions are fuel requests that have been placed in FuelerLinx.  To view a list of fuel that has been dispatched, go to the Transactions module:

  1. Each dispatch will have the Date, Schedule ID (if dispatched through the Scheduling Integration), Tail #, ICAO, FBO, Vendor, Dispatched PPG and Volume.  All this data gets timestamped when a user orders fuel (through the Dashboard or Scheduling Integration):

  1. Apply a date filter as needed:

  1. To search for a specific Transaction use the search box:

  1. Use any of filter boxes to filter Transactions as needed to condense the list down (example filtered by VNY to see Van Nuys dispatches):

  1. To adjust the Transaction status view, click the Transaction status button (for each status definition, please refer to our "Transaction Status Meaning" guide):

  1. If a Transaction has an attachment, there will be a paperclip icon (invoice) or a calendar icon (fuel release):

  1. To view the attachment go to the Transaction Details page by clicking in the middle of a Transaction:

  1. This will open the Transaction details page where the invoiced information can be reviewed (if available).  In addition the invoice and/or fuel release may also be attached in the "My Dropzone!" section:  

  1. The bottom right corner of the Transaction information box will show which user requested the fuel and the timestamp:

  1. To edit an existing Transaction, the data in the yellow box can be adjusted by typing or selecting an available option from the dropdown box.  All manual adjustments will get logged in the "Recent Changes" tab:

  1. To view a snapshot of fuel pricing for that day, click the blue "View Fuel Prices" grid button:

  1. This will contain a filterable grid of pricing options that were available for that day (this grid gets updated the date of uplift to track market updates):