FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - Team Manager Overview

FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - Team Manager Overview

SUBJECT: Team Manager 
  1. Go to Settings > Team Manager (note: the Settings section is only available on the desktop version of FuelerLinx):

  1.  Within 'Group Management' the user groups are editable and customizable to control what modules/settings users have access to.  Select a group to view and edit:

  1. The arrows between 'Available Users' and 'Group Users' allow you to move the selected user to or from the selected group.  To move a user into a group click their username > click middle arrow to place them in the selected user group:

  1. By selecting 'Edit Group' you will be taken to the 'Group Details':

  1. The 'Group Details' allows for customization and control of editing the level of access for the selected user group:

  1. For example, if you have an accounting group and the group does not need access to the 'Dashboard' or 'Scheduling Integration' you can toggle the 'Show' button to 'Hide' and the accounting users will no longer see those modules when logging into the system.  This can be adjusted within the "Main Menu Modules" section in the Account Settings & Permissions:

  1. To control to further customize the user group preferences select "Quoting Preferences" > Set key user preferences such as 'Pricing Weight Unit', 'Uplift Fuel On', as well as 'Default Time Format':

  1. Once each Module and Preference setting has been reviewed for the user group, select 'Save Changes' before exiting the screen:

  1. Within the 'User Management' tab you have the ability to search for a user by username, first and last name, or group name. 
  2. To add a user click 'Add New' in the User Management tab:

  1. Fill out the required fields > Click 'Save Changes' 
  2. Please note: Passwords require at least 6 characters including one capital letter and one number:

  1. To change the password of an existing user, select the user from the 'User Management' on the 'User Profile' tab > Enter a new password > Click 'Save Changes':

  1. To delete a user, click the red trash can button on the right of the user details:

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