How do I assign aircraft to a specific user?
To assign user-specific tails, you must first ask your FuelerLinx rep to activate the feature on your account.
From there, you can either assign specific tails to each user OR, you can Create a "Fleet Group" that specific tails will be a part from within your Aircraft List & Performance in the Settings section of FuelerLinx. Below, you can see that I simply typed in my fleet group name for this tail to be "GULFSTREAM GROUP." Make sure to Save Changes & you'll now see that group as an option for each tail.
To associate a tail(s) to a specific user, you would then go to Settings>Team Manager>User Settings to select your user to see the "Aircraft Profile" tab on the top of the page. Here, you can either "Enable" specific tails, or go to your "Fleet Group" option on the top right to assign the specific fleet group. Make sure to Save Changes when you're done.
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