FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Add a Transaction within Transactions 2.0

FuelerLinx USER GUIDE - How to Add a Transaction within Transactions 2.0

SUBJECT: How to Add a Transaction within Transactions 2.0
  1. Within the 'Transaction Management' select 'Add' to add a transaction

  1. The following pop up will appear providing the option to create a  'Blank Transaction', 'Import from Invoice', or 'Import from Receipt'

  1. If you would like to 'Add a Blank Transaction' you will be taken to the following screen to add the transaction details manually 
  2. Once the transaction details have been added, select 'Save' 

  1. If you choose to 'Import from Invoice' the following pop up will appear 
  2. Select the 'Fuel Vendor' drop down to select the vendor which created the invoice 
  3. Select 'Upload' to select the file from your files then select 'Import'
    1. Please ensure your file matches the guidelines outlined in: Checking Invoice Parsing Potential

  1. Once you have imported the file you will be taken to the 'Imported Invoices' 
  2. The added transaction will show as a 'Manual Upload' 
  3. The transaction details can be seen by selecting 'View' 
  4. For more details about Invoice Imports, please see the FuelerLinx Invoice Imports User Guide

  1. If you choose to 'Import from Receipt', you will be brought to the 'Imported Receipts' page. Here you will have to add the receipt by clicking on the blue 'Add' button

  1. Once you press 'Add', you will see the following popup where you are able to upload a receipt.

  1. Once you import the receipt, the added transaction will show as a 'Manual Upload' in the 'Imported Receipts' grid.
  2. The transaction details can be seen by selecting 'View'